Buy Nolvadex online


100 tabs (20 mg/tab)
Nolvadex Dragon Pharma is one of the best SERM products on the market and a very popular product used by steroid users. Tamox at the same time is an antagonist and an agonist product, it acts as estrogen for some areas of the body and as an anti-estrogen in other parts of the body.more



Active Substance: Tamoxifen Citrate

Product name: Tamoxifen, Tamox, Nolva, Nolvadex, Altamofen

Nolvadex Dragon Pharma is one of the best SERM products on the market and a very popular product used by steroid users. Tamox at the same time is an antagonist and an agonist product, it acts as estrogen for some areas of the body and as an anti-estrogen in other parts of the body.

The AAS users use it during and after the cycle. It is used to prevent and to treat the breast cancer in women and it is a very successful product, but the anabolic steroid users are using it to prevent gynecomastia during the cycle, that can be provoked by AAS that can aromatize, products such as testosterone, deca, danabol and boldenone. As an estrogen, it acts in the liver, which in turn acts on a healthier cholesterol level.

As for the PCT program, Tamox stimulates the natural testosterone production and helps to recover faster from the steroid products.

Side effects are very rarely: Upset stomach, Vaginal Itching, bleeding, discharge or discomfort, headaches, hot flashes.


  • During the cycle to lower the estrogen side effects - 10-20mg per day. In case it is not helping, then you need to use an AI product like Anastrozole, Letrozole.
  • During the PCT - first day - 60 mg, the next 10 days - 40mg per day and the last 10 days 20mg per day.


A must have for any cut! Great Product!
A must in your pre-contest cycle
Great Product and will order again!
Great for PCT. Gets the job done!
No sides so it seems to work fine
quality product, fast shipping
Great product. I'm using it for my PCT. Very careful packaging. Shipment may take about a month. Take this into account when preparing your stuck.
This and clomid together during pct is a good combo
Once again dragon pharma is my favorite
Great product. No side effects at all