Buy Equipoise Boldenona-E 400 online

Equipoise Boldenona-E 400

1 vial (400mg/ml 10 ml)
Equipoise 400 Forte is presented as a derivative of testosterone that is a strong anabolic and a weak androgenic. Equipoise is just as anabolic as testosterone but it is less androgenic than testosterone, therefore they earn less muscle mass than with testosterone.more



Equipoise 400 Forte is presented as a derivative of testosterone that is a strong anabolic and a weak androgenic. Equipoise is just as anabolic as testosterone but it is less androgenic than testosterone, therefore they earn less muscle mass than with testosterone.

This steroid increases the number of red blood cells more than other steroids, which is very popular among athletes because it is a powerful muscle builder but provides greater strength and a stroke.

In general, side effects are mild, thee steroid has a low affinity to convert to estrogen.

Androgenic and estrogenic side effects are possible only at high doses. Although it is a steroid that can have negative effects on own production of testosterone, which indicates the use of Clomed or Tamoxifen after finishing the cycle, in the case when the cycle is of a longer duration.

Half-life is great because it slowly builds muscle mass of good quality, in this case, the cycle with this steroid lasts at least 12 weeks to get the desired result.

The optimal dose is 200-600 mg per week. The optimum dose is considered to be 600 mg per week. Considering that it is painful to be injected frequently can be given every 2 days. 


Great delivery time and good product.
Awesome vascularity! Also good strength and mass!
Great product, no pip with less injects
Llevo 16 semanas usándolo y muy buenos resultados, ningún efecto secundario apreciable,aunque conviene revisar la tensión y un chequeo de hematocrito por si algo se complica
GREAT EQ here....definitely top notch SP. Shipped fast as always.
Neither positive, nor negative (I didnt notice anything 400mg/wk stacked).
Very high quality, I would definitely recommend!
Very high quality, I would definitely recommend!
Es la segunda vez que uso esta boldenona, en ciclos largos 14-16 semanas es donde muestra su autentico potencial, el músculo es muy magro y se mantiene bien al acabar el ciclo.
Trabaja despacio y da unos músculos sólidos y de calidad, tarda unas 4 o 5 semanas en pegar duro. A mi parecer va un poco subdosificado, no me ha dado la impresión que pegue más fuerte que dos inyecciones de la versión de 200