SP Methandriol
1 vial (75mg/ml 10 ml)
Methandriol is good for building strength and muscle mass. The effect is very similar to the combination of Test E with Nandrolone D (Deca). It offers good gains in strength and muscle mass as testosterone and less water retention as Deca.more
Methandriol, also known as Methandriol Dipropionate is very effective with a strong anabolic and androgenic component that is good for building strength and muscle mass. The effect is very similar to the combination of Testosterone Enanthate with Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca). It offers good gains in strength and muscle mass as testosterone and less water retention as Deca.
When it is combined with other steroids it magnifies the effects of them, because it increases the sensitivity of the androgenic receptors of the muscle cells, allowing them to absorb steroid molecules faster.
For men - 100 mg every 2-3 days.
A*y Ab******er
it's not what it is made out to be
J***s R****h
SP Methadriol is great with any stack.
J***s R*****h
Love this product. Currently the only company with methandriol available